Social Networking rated PG

If you have teenagers or young adults in your family or friend circle then it’s time you sat up and paid attention to their Internet surfing habits. Teenagers and young adults are considered as heavy users of the Internet who spend hours every week surfing the Internet, doing their home assignments, playing online games and socializing with their friends. Statistics shows that the most popular websites used by teenagers are

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Social media is a 'Hygiene Factor' for an Organisation

This entire debate that has unleashed on the internet over the last few days that Corporate blogs are not worth investing in, is just an example of  being naive and ignorant. So this storm was kicked up by a report that was released by Forrester that suggested that only 16% of the respondents to survey elected corporate blogs as a trustworthy source of information. My first question is why is

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The future of blogs

Some of the common questions I encounter when I talk to friends and colleagues about blogging are … – Do you think there will be a consolidation of the blogosphere? – Aren’t there too many blogs out there on similar topics? – With more social media sites and micro blogging tools, doesn’t it make blogging redundant and pointless? – As young Bloggers grow older will they abandon their blogs as

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Social Media – Improving Parent child relationship's?

A month back I had the privilege to put in some voluntary community hours training some technical education students. This was a part of my organizations community building program on the occasion of our 40th anniversary of inception and the topic of course was my personal favorite – ‘Social Media and its impact on Marketing’. There is something really magical about teaching young adults and I personally thoroughly enjoyed the

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